Unable to Open Gentle.config Root Element is Missing – MediaPortal Error

Unable to Open Gentle.config Root Element is Missing – MediaPortal Error

Cannot connect to TV Server  – MediaPortal

This error is produced when exiting the MediaPortal Configuration program. The file

c:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Gentle.config

is corrupt and MediaPortal cannot write to it to save your configuration settings.

MediaPortal Configuration Error

Unable to open Gentle.config Root element is missing

The corrupt file also causes a problem in MediaPortal itself, where MediaPortal cannot connect to the TV Server even though the TV Server name is correct. This will prevent access to the EPG and your recordings, even though the TV Server is running normally and capable of making recordings.

However, testing that same connection in MediaPortal Configuration will report success.

MediaPortal Configuration | Test TVServer Connection

MediaPortal Configuration | Test TV Server Connection

MediaPortal error logs will also report:

Gentle.config could not load because no XML root node was found

The solution is to replace the Gentle.config file with a working one from another MediaPortal installation you may have in your home. If you don’t have one, download the Gentle.config file from here. Right click the link and select Save Link As… Gentle.config

The file is approximately 6Kb in size, so will download quickly. Overwrite the corrupt file by copying the new file to:

c:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Gentle.config

Launch the MediaPortal Configuration program to adjust your settings and then close it. The error will no longer appear and your settings will have been saved. The MediaPortal to TV Server connection problem  will have been resolved too.

File corruption can be caused by a number of circumstances, normally associated with system crashes, hibernation failures and the Blue Screen of Death.

I get them a lot.