How To Install CPUMiner in Linux and Mine for ZiftrCOINs

How To Install CPUMiner in Linux and Mine for ZiftrCOINs

This article shows you how to install cpuminer-ziftr on a Linux distribution in order to mine ZiftrCOINs with a CPU.

Tested on Xubuntu 14.04.4 64 bit.


  • A ZiftrCOIN-Qt Wallet installed on either a Windows PC, Linux  operating system or Mac.
  • A ZiftrCOIN receiving address.
  • A computer running a Linux distribution of your choice.

1. Open up a terminal window.

In Linux open a new terminal window by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T on the keyboard.

2. Update your computer and install dependencies:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade -y

sudo apt-get install -y git curl unzip gedit automake autoconf dh-autoreconf build-essential pkg-config openssh-server screen libtool libcurl4-openssl-dev libtool libncurses5-dev libudev-dev

3. Visit the Github Repo: taking particular note of any build instructions that are required.

4. Download CPUMiner for ZiftrCOIN by cloning the repository.

Click the icon circled in red to copy the exact address of the CPUMiner ZiftrCOIN repository to your clipboard.

Grab the GitHub Address

Grab the GitHub Address

The address at the time of writing is shown below in red and you may need to replace this with the contents of your clipboard if this has changed by the time of reading.

cd ~

git clone

5. Check the CPUMiner Ziftr folder name.

List the contents of your home directory by typing:

ls -l

Locate the cpuminer-ziftr folder, taking note of its name.

cpuminer-ziftr Folder Name

cpuminer-ziftr Folder Name

If it differs from the one shown in red in the next command, make the appropriate change in step5.

5. Compile, make and install CPUMiner for ZiftrCOIN mining:

cd ~/cpuminer-ziftr

chmod +x


Now check the build instructions on the git repo page (as described in step 3). You need to look for the Linux configuration details to configure CPUMiner for ZiftrCOIN:

CpuMiner ZiftrCOIN configuration details on GitHub

CpuMiner ZiftrCOIN configuration details on GitHub

In this case:

./configure CFLAGS="-O3"


Finally, complete the installation with:

sudo make install

6. How to mine with CPUMiner-ZiftrCOIN in Linux.

At this point it is now possible to start mining for ZiftrCOINs with cpuminer.

Enter the cpuminer-ziftr folder:

cd ~/cpuminer-ziftr

For help using CPUMiner-ZiftrCOIN, type:

./minerd -h

The options for CPUMiner will be displayed.

CPUMiner ZiftrCOIN | minerd -h

CPUMiner ZiftrCOIN | minerd -h

To start mining for ZiftrCOINs straight away, type the following command to begin pool mining at, replacing the red prompt with your ZiftrCOIN Wallet receiving address.

./minerd -a ziftr -o stratum+tcp:// -u <your Ziftrcoin wallet receiving address> -p x | ZiftrCOIN mining pool | ZiftrCOIN mining pool

You can, of course, modify this command to mine wherever you like.

7. Where can I find my Ziftrcoin Wallet receiving  address?

Open your ZiftrCOIN wallet, and click File > Receiving addresses…

Your receiving address(es) will be shown in the table.

If you are setting up multiple mining rigs, you may find it beneficial to create new receiving addresses in your ZiftrCOIN wallet for each of your machines and the type of mining resources employed.

For example, a second machine running Linux, mining with the cpu and gpu could have separate ZiftrCOIN receiving addresses from your main Windows mining rig. That way, when the virtual ZiftrCOINS come rolling in, you’ll know exactly where they have come from . This will assist in monitoring the effectiveness of each mining machine and its components.

8. Create a batch file to start CPUMiner and mine for ZiftrCOIN.

Creating a batch file simply automates  step 6. Typing just one command will start CPUMiner mining for ZiftrCOINs.

The name shown in blue will be the command to type that will start the cpu mining process. Make this something memorable.

cd ~

gedit ziftrcpu

In the window that opens, copy the following commands to it, making sure to correct / replace anything shown in color if needed.


cd ~/cpuminer-ziftr

./minerd -a ziftr -o stratum+tcp:// -u <your Ziftrcoin wallet receiving address> -p x

Click Save and exit the editor.

Now make the batch script executable:

chmod +x ziftrcpu

Running the batch script is easy. Just make sure that you are in your home folder

cd ~

A listing of that directory shows you batch file in green:

ls -l
Mining batch script

Mining batch script

To run it, just type it’s name preceded with a dot and a forward slash.


To terminate the batch script, press Ctrl + C.

9. Install SSH for remote login.

If you wish to log into your Linux computer remotely,  install the open ssh server:

sudo apt-get install openssh-server byobu

Then log in to it using ssh from another Linux machine or PuTTY from your Windows PC.

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